I just came across a Question and Answer from the BabyCenter UK Website which I thought might be useful:
We're going on holiday abroad in a few weeks' time. How can I help my baby adjust to a different time zone?
The BabyCentre Editorial Team answers:
Travelling with a baby or toddler can be tricky, and when it requires adjusting to a different time zone it can be even harder. But you can try some things to make the transition easier.
A few days before you head off on holiday, begin adjusting to the new time zone by moving your baby's sleep times an hour back or ahead each day. If you're flying to America, for example, this means your baby should go to bed a bit later each night and get up later in the morning. If you're going east to Europe, you could try moving your baby's bedtime a bit earlier each evening and wake her up earlier in the morning. You can adjust naptimes in the same way too.
When making travel arrangements, try and keep your baby's usual sleep times in mind. If you can, select a flight that arrives in the late afternoon or early evening and then you can put your baby to bed at her usual (adjusted) bedtime. Overnight flights can work well if the flight is long enough and you think your baby will actually sleep. Once you get on the plane, change your watch to the new time zone and stick to your baby's usual sleep times if you can.
Once you reach your destination, help your baby adjust to the new time zone. Although her internal clock may tell her it's evening, try and keep her busy during the daytime and spend as much time as possible outside. The exposure to sunlight will help adjust your baby's biological clock.
Of course, if your baby is very young, or if your trip is short, you may find it easier simply to keep your baby on her usual "home" time zone. If your baby is very young and sleeping lots during the day it won't make a huge amount of difference to change her sleep times. Toddlers and older children may be better at changing their sleep times than babies. Or if you are travelling east, to continental Europe, for example, you may prefer simply to put your child later to bed in the evening and let her wake up later, which can be no bad thing on holiday!