Saturday, 16 September 2006

SIDS and Sleepsacks

Recently there have been a number of articles about SIDS. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and research cited in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (June, 2006) recommend the following:
  1. put your baby on his/her back to sleep
  2. keep soft objects like pillows, comforters and soft toys out of the crib
  3. use a baby sleep sacks instead of blankets
  4. give your baby a pacifier at nap and bedtime

Friday, 1 September 2006

ABC Kids Show - Las Vegas

We are going to the ABC Kids Show (Sept 10-13), the biggest baby and children's fair in the world! We are featuring our new TAG Bag baby sleepsacks (

We are going with a three other Canadian companies: Milk Factory, Mally Bibs and Little Monkey Inc.